Real communities are IRL, not virtual.

Discover your yoga community and flow together, in and out of the studio.

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Get off the app & into the real world

That moment when you’re about to send the 50th message into a group text to organize a dinner with friends.

That moment when you want to go out and do something but it’s awkward to text everyone in your address book.

That moment when you just met someone at a gathering or a yoga class and now you’re trying to figure out whether to follow each other on Instagram or to start yet another text thread.

That moment when you realize that there are so many wonderful people you never see outside the studio, and you don’t even know what their outside interests are.

Kula was created for these moments. With Kula, you'll meet up again & again, no texting required, with privacy & safety built in.


Provide a safe, private space to get to know your IRL community better. It’s like social media but just with people who are connected with your real life practice. It’s not about building a following or posting content for everyone you’ve ever met. Kula is for connecting with people who have a practice of their own, so you can understand each other in a deeper way


Make it really simple to show up to in-person classes & events with people you know and like, while growing your community in the process. Find out what classes and social events your connections are attending, so you can show up with your community when it’s in your flow.  You can share your own plans as well, with a full suite of privacy tools so you control who knows what you’re attending.

Join our waitlist

You will receive an invite when enough people from your home studio or group sign up. Then you can all join at the same time.

By submitting this form, you agree to receive your invitation and updates via text message from Kula. Kula will never sell your data.

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